Formula watts to dbm convert

Watts and dBm are units of measurement used to express the power of a signal in a telecommunications system.

Watts (W) is a unit of power that is commonly used to express the output power of radio transmitters and the power consumption of electrical devices. It is a unit of power that is defined as the amount of energy consumed or produced per second.

dBm (decibel-milliwatts) is a unit of measurement used to express the power level of a radio frequency (RF) signal in relation to one milliwatt (mW). It is an absolute unit of measurement that expresses the power level of a signal in decibels (dB) above or below one milliwatt.

The formula for converting watts to dBm is: dBm = 10 * log10 (power (in watts) / 1mW)

For example, if the power level of a signal is measured to be 50 watts, the power level in dBm can be calculated as: dBm = 10 * log10 (50 / 1) = 43.98 dBm

It’s important to note that dBm is an absolute unit of measure, while dB is a relative unit. It’s also important to note that dBm is only used in telecommunication, where as watts can be used in any field, including energy and electricity.